Commit b2fe476d b2fe476d8c1504a349e378a0776413793c368e2b by 杨俊

fix(develop): 移除用户 微信|极光 推送消息

1 parent 76456d51
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ protected function getFileType(string $url): string
public function envelope(): Envelope
return new Envelope(
subject: '【海星试唱】《' . $this->getActivityName() . '》- 物料资源',
subject: '【泡泡留声】《' . $this->getActivityName() . '》- 物料资源',
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
namespace App\Notifications;
use App\Models\Activity;
use App\Models\User;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
......@@ -44,45 +42,7 @@ public function __construct(Activity $activity, string $msg)
public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
return [];
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array<string,string>
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '《' . $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name') . '》未通过审核',
'content' => trim($this->msg)
* Get the array representation of the notification.
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array<string,string>
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
$songName = $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name');
$project = $this->activity->getAttribute('project');
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => 'KAaWdyUbceiAg4ThqIt4LqOFMse85hsPOIpH3pldQsg',
'data' => [
'first' => '您的试唱活动上架申请未通过!',
'keyword1' => '平台运营',
'keyword2' => $project ? sprintf('#%s#《%s》', $project->name, $songName) : sprintf('《%s》', $songName),
'keyword3' => Carbon::now()->format('Y/m/d'),
'remark' => trim($this->msg)
......@@ -37,41 +37,6 @@ public function __construct(Activity $activity)
public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array<string,string>
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '《' . $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name') . '》',
'content' => '已通过审核,正在为您安排上架~'
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array<string,string>
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
$songName = $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name');
$project = $this->activity->getAttribute('project');
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => 'KAaWdyUbceiAg4ThqIt4LqOFMse85hsPOIpH3pldQsg',
'data' => [
'first' => '您的试唱活动上架申请已通过!',
'keyword1' => '平台运营',
'keyword2' => $project ? sprintf('#%s#《%s》', $project->name, $songName) : sprintf('《%s》', $songName),
'keyword3' => Carbon::now()->format('Y/m/d'),
'remark' => '正在为您安排上架~'
return [];
......@@ -31,39 +31,6 @@ public function __construct(ActivityWork $work)
public function via(): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '您的歌手成功达成合作',
'content' => sprintf("您的歌手%s参与试唱活动《%s》达成合作", $this->work->getAttribute('user_nick_name'), $this->work->getAttribute('activity_name')),
'data' => ['type' => 'ToComplete', 'value' => $this->work->getAttribute('user_id')]
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => '-qM3dii-zb8nnvPunYDFyPmNptnKzdkgiWRH4-nK8vA',
'page' => 'packageMy/pages/myMember/detail?id=' . $this->work->getAttribute('activity_id'),
'data' => [
'first' => '恭喜,您的歌手成功达成合作',
'keyword1' => $this->work->getUserFullName(),
'keyword2' => '参与试唱《' . $this->work->getAttribute('activity_name') . '》达成合作',
'remark' => '点击查看 >'
return [];
......@@ -32,39 +32,6 @@ public function __construct(ActivityWork $work)
public function via(): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '您的歌手试唱未选中',
'content' => sprintf("您的歌手%s参与试唱活动《%s》未达成合作", $this->work->getAttribute('user_nick_name'), $this->work->getAttribute('activity_name')),
'data' => ['type' => 'ToComplete', 'value' => $this->work->getAttribute('user_id')]
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => '-qM3dii-zb8nnvPunYDFyPmNptnKzdkgiWRH4-nK8vA',
'page' => 'packageMy/pages/myMember/detail?id=' . $this->work->getAttribute('activity_id'),
'data' => [
'first' => '您的歌手提交的试唱未被采纳',
'keyword1' => $this->work->getUserFullName(),
'keyword2' => '参与试唱《' . $this->work->getAttribute('activity_name') . '》未达成合作',
'remark' => '感谢参与,期待下次合作'
return [];
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public function __construct(ActivityWork $work)
public function via(): array
return ['sms', 'jPush'];
return ['sms'];
......@@ -52,18 +52,4 @@ public function toSms(User $notifiable): array
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '《' . $this->work->getAttribute('activity_name') . '》试唱结果通知',
'content' => '恭喜,您参与的试唱已达成合作!',
'data' => ['type' => 'ToMysing', 'value' => $this->work->getAttribute('activity_id')]
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public function __construct(ActivityWork $work)
public function via(): array
return ['sms', 'jPush'];
return ['sms'];
......@@ -50,18 +50,4 @@ public function toSms(User $notifiable): array
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '《' . $this->work->getAttribute('activity_name') . '》试唱结果通知',
'content' => '感谢您参与的试唱,很遗憾暂未能成合作。',
'data' => ['type' => 'ToMysing', 'value' => $this->work->getAttribute('activity_id')]
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public function __construct(Activity $activity, User $operator, string $msg = ''
public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
return [];
......@@ -61,41 +61,4 @@ private function hasProject(): bool
return !empty($this->getProjectName());
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* @param mixed $notifiable
* @return \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => sprintf('《%s》已下架', $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name')),
'content' => $this->msg
* Get the array representation of the notification.
* @param mixed $notifiable
* @return array
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => 'WBZT-2STQZXOC5ED5a_vS5XHS1KiTmtSeEMapXEqMpg',
'data' => [
'first' => $this->hasProject() ? sprintf('[%s]试唱歌曲已下架', $this->getProjectName()) : '试唱歌曲已下架',
'keyword1' => sprintf('《%s》', $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name')),
'keyword2' => $this->operator->getFullName(),
'keyword3' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
'keyword4' => $this->msg,
'remark' => ''
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public function __construct(Activity $activity, User $operator)
public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
return [];
private function getProjectName(): string
......@@ -55,39 +55,4 @@ private function hasProject(): bool
return !empty($this->getProjectName());
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* @param mixed $notifiable
* @return \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => sprintf('《%s》已发行', $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name')),
'content' => '填写歌曲发行链接,状态变更为已发行'
* Get the array representation of the notification.
* @param mixed $notifiable
* @return array
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => 'v0wGK-Z7r0RIm8P5D586X8MJxKNv-UkzvcS-7vJ2G7s',
'data' => [
'first' => sprintf('《%s》已发行', $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name')),
'keyword1' => $this->hasProject() ? $this->getProjectName() : '无',
'keyword2' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
'remark' => sprintf('%s 填写歌曲发行链接,状态变更为已发行', $this->operator->getFullName())
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public function __construct(Activity $activity, User $operator)
public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
return [];
private function getProjectName(): string
......@@ -48,30 +48,4 @@ private function hasProject(): bool
return !empty($this->getProjectName());
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => sprintf('《%s》重新上架', $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name')),
'content' => '重新上架(自动通过,无需审批)',
'data' => ['type' => 'ToActivity', 'value' => $this->activity->getKey()]
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => 'o9i6qtgr4ghtGvU-piimB9_mAaSOAXDDMzqx9zXYkss',
'data' => [
'first' => $this->hasProject() ? sprintf('[%s]试唱歌曲重新上架', $this->getProjectName()) : '试唱歌曲重新上架',
'keyword1' => sprintf('《%s》', $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name')),
'keyword2' => $this->operator->getFullName(),
'keyword3' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
'keyword4' => '试唱歌曲重新上架(自动通过,无需审批)',
'remark' => ''
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public function __construct(Activity $activity, User $operator, array $change =
public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
return [];
......@@ -61,42 +61,4 @@ protected function formatChangeLabel(): string
return collect($this->change)->map(fn($item) => sprintf('[%s]', $item))->join('、');
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array<string,string>
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
$format = $this->formatChangeLabel();
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '《' . $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name') . '》信息被修改',
'content' => sprintf('%s %s', $this->operator->getFullName(), empty($format) ? '' : '修改了:' . $format)
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array<string,string>
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
$songName = $this->activity->getAttribute('song_name');
$project = $this->activity->getAttribute('project');
$format = $this->formatChangeLabel();
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getWechatNotificationKey(),
'template' => 'v0wGK-Z7r0RIm8P5D586X8MJxKNv-UkzvcS-7vJ2G7s',
'data' => [
'first' => sprintf('%s 修改了试唱歌曲《%s》', $this->operator->getFullName(), $songName),
'keyword1' => $project ? $project->name : '无',
'keyword2' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
'remark' => sprintf('用户修改的信息 %s', empty($format) ? '' : '包含:' . $format)
'page' => 'pages/index/index?previewId=' . $this->activity->getKey()
......@@ -34,31 +34,6 @@ public function __construct(UserCertify $userCertify)
public function via(): array
return ['wechat', 'jPush'];
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => $this->applyUser->getAttribute('nick_name') . '提交了认证申请',
'content' => '点击查看详情',
'data' => ['type' => 'userAuth', 'value' => '']
public function toWechat(User $notifiable): array
return [
'openId' => $notifiable->getAttribute('official_id'),
'template' => 'DWu2Opezt2ricor_x38tq-PWna8k26ehJbhRbNwua4c',
'data' => [
'keyword1' => $this->applyUser->getAttribute('nick_name'),
'keyword2' => (string)$this->userCertify->getAttribute('created_at'),
'keyword3' => '无',
"page" => '/packageLogin/pages/applyList'
return [];
......@@ -29,21 +29,7 @@ public function __construct()
public function via(): array
return ['sms', 'jPush'];
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '认证申请未通过',
'content' => '点击查看详情',
'data' => ['type' => 'OpenApp', 'value' => '']
return ['sms'];
......@@ -29,21 +29,7 @@ public function __construct()
public function via(): array
return ['sms', 'jPush'];
* @param \App\Models\User $notifiable
* @return array
public function toJPush(User $notifiable): array
return [
'user' => $notifiable->getKey(),
'title' => '认证申请已经通过',
'content' => '点击前往海星试唱挑选歌曲',
'data' => ['type' => 'OpenApp', 'value' => '']
return ['sms'];